Scan4Chem obligatory tool under French Law

French Law designates the Scan4Chem App as the way suppliers can provide the general public with the information according to the decree of 28 September 2023, on the provision of information to identify endocrine disruptors in a product by means of an application.

On 12 October 2023, France published three pieces of legislation in relation to ED in products:

  • Decree of 28 September 2023, specifying the terms and conditions relating to the content and conditions of presentation of the information provided for in I and II to Article L. 5232-5 of the Public Health Code (PHC, Decree 1)
  • Decree of 28 September 2023, establishing the list of substances with endocrine disrupting properties falling under I and II to L. 5232-5 of the PHC and the categories of products presenting a particular exposure risk mentioned in II of Article L. 5232-5 of the PHC (Decree 2). Decree 2 establishes two lists of substances with proven and presumed endocrine disrupting properties: List of 127 substances with proven and presumed endocrine disrupting properties, where only mancozed (CAS 8018-01-7) from this list is not on the Candidate List under Regulation REACH. And List of one substance with proven and presumed endocrine disrupting properties.
  • Decree of 28 September 2023, on the provision of information to identify endocrine disruptors in a product by means of an application (Decree 3). The decree lists Scan4chem in its annex as an application designated to provide the public with the information specified in I and II of Article L. 5232-5 of the French Public Health Code.

Under the law, suppliers who place onto the market products containing an ED in a concentration of more than 0.1% are obliged to disclose this information via an electronic platform (Scan4Chem) that is available to the public. The provisions in Decrees 1 to 3 became effective on 13 October 2023 after their publication in the nation’s Official Journal